613-623-2282 [email protected]

Welcome to Saint John Chrysostom Parish

St. John Chrysostom Roman Catholic Church is located in Arnprior, Ontario and is one of the largest churches in the Diocese of Pembroke.
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Saint John Chrysostom Parish

God has blessed us

with Christian faith

and a beautiful church. 

Our ancestors made many sacrifices to pass on

what we enjoy today.

Our church is the place where we celebrate the Sunday Eucharist which is the culmination of our life as a Christian community. It is the place where we worship One God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, where we encounter Christ the Saviour face to face in the Sacraments and celebrate the most important spiritual moments in our lives with Baptisms, Confirmations, Holy Communion, Christian Marriage, the Sacrament of the Sick, and Christian Funerals. Our parish church is where we come for spiritual nourishment for the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health, until the Lord comes again .


If you are a parishioner but presently not making regular Sunday financial contributions, or if you belonged to the our parish in earlier years, please consider supporting our Bell Tower Campaign by making a donation using the DONATE tab.

Almost everything that gets done in a parish, and all that enables it to get done (heating, electricity, etc.) is paid for by financially contributing parishioners. Most of that financial support comes in the form of the Sunday Offering Envelopes in which parishioners place cash or a cheque every Sunday of the year, and when special collections are taken up as well. Consistent financial support can also take place in the form of an automatic debit.  Please contact the parish office for details.

May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness, generosity and committed giving.


Saturday: 4:30 p.m.(St. John Chrysostom, Arnprior)

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (St. John Chrysostom, Arnprior)

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. (Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Braeside)

Christmas & Easter:

See current bulletin



The first Catholic chapel was constructed in Arnprior.


A larger church was built on donated land nearby and completed


Under the direction of Rev. Alphonsus Chaine (who served the parish for 41 years), the cornerstone for the present church was laid. It was built around and above the existing church.

When the roof was completed, the old church was dismantled and removed through the windows and doors of the new one. The material used was undressed (shoddy) stone, known for its naturally rough and irregular shapes. The church style is Romanesque Revival as were many of the churches and public buildings of the era. It is listed on the website of the Ontario Heritage Trust. This architectural style originated in Medieval Europe and is a combination of Roman and Byzantine styles. It is characterized by semi-circular arches, a symmetrical plan and simple appearance in comparison to the Gothic style that would follow.

Contact Us: 

Pastoral Staff:

Father  Dan Kelly

Ginger Regan, D.R.E.


Administrative & Property Staff:

Cheryl Peters, Office Administrator ,

Shaunacey Peplinski, Building / Property 


Telephone: 613-623-2282

Email: [email protected]

Saint John Chrysostom Parish
295 Albert Street
Arnprior, Ontario
K7S 2M7

Office Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.